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Daily nursing method for cutting printing machine

For garment printing machine in common use, that use about its content needless to say, in order to make good use of equipment as in the past, we cannot do without regular care for the equipment, today Xiaobian to introduce several simple pieces of printing machine daily nursing method.
First, there can be no common household appliances in the vicinity of the printing machine, so it should be far away from the large magnetic field and electric field.
Two, before the end of the work every day before the test bar, and ensure that some nozzles are normal inkjet;
Three, the room should be dustproof, and can not be put together with the machine which is easy to smoke and dust.
Four. You can't put anything on the printing machine.
Five, must be connected to the ground line. At the end of the printing machine, the copper wire on the face is connected with the main engine. The copper wire on the face is as thick as possible. The insulation on the surface of the copper wire should be hung off. The other end of the copper wire will be inserted into the underground for at least 1m. Do not connect the lightning rod, the radiator, the water pipe and other objects.
Six, at least the waste ink in the waste ink bucket of the cutting printing machine should be emptied at least once in order to prevent spillover.
Seven, at least once a week, check the cleanliness of the flicker and scraping of the printing machine once a week, such as the hairy and other sundries. Please remove the sundries with tweezers or facial tissue.
The seven point is the daily care for the printing machine, which is as important as the correct operation of the equipment to protect the equipment from damage. At the same time, it also maintains a certain amount of maintenance for the efficiency of the equipment.
上一頁A remedial method for the creases in the fabric of the flat screen printing machine

All copyright abserved ? Huzhou Huicheng Machinery Co., Ltd. Technical support: Zhejiang panshi

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